I am just a few months away from the big day. The last day of official paid employment and the beginning of retirement. Everyone has been asking what will you do now? Hmmmm? Interesting question. It brings a lot of BIG questions to mind. LIFE type questions for example. But that’s not where I want to go, so maybe let’s just start at the beginning.
Maybe retirement is not about contemplating life right now,. Maybe, it’s about making lists!!!! So let’s begin with the lists.
A List of Lists
-projects to be done, the ones I haven’t had time for yet
-recipes to try
-things to make, all those DIYs that I have pinned on Pinterest
-places to go, now that I will have time
-people to see, if I can because they will be working
A person can make a LIST for everything. An endless amount of LISTS. But how do you organize them? Which takes priority? Do I need a schedule? Will I feel the need to do it all NOW? It’s a lot. And I am sure I will have many more LISTS. But maybe not today. Maybe today is about a step back.
So let’s just slow down a bit, take a step back and really think about this for a minute.
As a retired person the one the thing I will have is time. Years actually. So maybe the best approach is to slooowwww way down. Enjoy the first few months catching up on sleep, books, spending time with family and just being, for instance. But will that be enough?
I recently read about UN-BUSY retirement. An interesting concept. ( Sorry , I don’t have a link, but I will get there in this new world of blogging). Why even have a schedule? Well, why have a jam packed schedule. Sure there are things that have to be done. For example, things like, everyday exercise, a bit of housecleaning, a few errands. That’s it. Why schedule more? Shouldn’t retirement be about NO schedule? Then I happened across this little picture,
Seems fitting. Maybe that’s how I approach retirement? So how does one wake up smiling? By doing things that only bring you joy. Because doing things that bring you joy fills your cup up and just might make retirement that dream everyone talks about.
Maybe my new motto should be, “If it brings you joy, enjoy!!”
Off I go to find out what those things might be.